I’m Michelle,

Party lover, dance enthusiast, wife, & mother of two.

As Founder & Chief Confetti Officer and also a working mom, I realized that with so much on our plates already, it can be tricky to plan the perfect party for your child. Adding the stress of trying to plan a “Pinterest” worthy party on top of work, play dates, activities, etc., it becomes an overwhelming (not to mention daunting!) task rather than a celebration, which is what a party should be!


As a former boutique wedding and event planner, I began to curate themed party boxes for the “on-the-go” parent that wants the best party for their child, but doesn’t have the capacity to think of a theme, source & order materials, and then hope they didn’t forget anything on the big day! I know we’ve all been there.


With “Party In A Box” just add venue, food, and guests and we’ll take care of the rest! From tablescapes to favors to suggested activities and more – all packed in a neat little box with instructions on how to wow your party-goers, so you have time to focus on what is really important: family and friends!